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The best solution for programmatic live video compositing.

Process live video streams in real-time. Apply effects, combine videos, or add transitions to produce any output you want.

Simple Declarative API

Simple Web-like component tree. Easy to pick up for anyone familiar with web development.

Language agnostic

The entire configuration process happens over HTTP API, and streams are delivered over RTP. You can leverage technology of your choice and easily integrate it with your own solutions.

Hardware accelerated

Rendering is GPU accelerated using wgpu library, which implements API based on the WebGPU standard. Parts of the standard, like the ability to run WGSL shaders, are directly accessible via Live Compositor API.



Utilize existing WebGPU-based components or craft your own WGSL shader to achieve any desired effect and directly leverage GPU parallel processing capabilities.

Real-time processing

Process live video streams in real-time with low latency. Blazingly fast processing makes video conferencing, live-streaming, and broadcasting an everyday bread and butter for Live Compositor.

Static content

Render text and static images onto your output streams or pass them to other components for further processing.

Web rendering

You can render any website and combine it with video streams or other elements using the Chromium browser embedded inside the compositor.


Membrane plugin

Membrane is a developer-friendly multimedia framework for Elixir. You can easily add video composing functionality into your multimedia pipeline using Membrane Live Compositor Plugin.

For more, see:

Documentation - Get started with Membrane plugin

GitHub repository - membraneframework/membrane_live_compositor_plugin