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Required feature: web_renderer

Web Renderer

Represents an instance of a website opened with Chromium embedded inside the compositor. Used by a WebView component. Only one WebView component can use a specific instance at a time. Before the web renderer can be used, you need to make sure that compositor with web rendering support is used.


type WebRenderer = {
url: string;
resolution: {
width: u32;
height: u32;
| "chromium_embedding"
| "native_embedding_over_content"
| "native_embedding_under_content";


  • url - Url of a website that you want to render.
  • resolution - Resolution.
  • embedding_method - Mechanism used to render input frames on the website.
    • "chromium_embedding" - Pass raw input frames as JS buffers so they can be rendered, for example, using a <canvas> component.

      This method might have a significant performance impact, especially for a large number of inputs.

    • "native_embedding_over_content" - Render a website without any inputs and overlay them over the website content.
    • "native_embedding_under_content" - Render a website without any inputs and overlay them under the website content.

Environment variables

  • LIVE_COMPOSITOR_WEB_RENDERER_ENABLE (default: false) - enables web rendering capabilities.
  • LIVE_COMPOSITOR_WEB_RENDERER_GPU_ENABLE (default: true) - if enabled, websites are rendered on GPU. Otherwise, software based rendering is used.

Read more about environment variables here