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API is served by default on the port 8081. Different port can be configured using LIVE_COMPOSITOR_API_PORT environment variable.

Start request

POST: /api/start
type RequestBody = {}

Starts the processing pipeline. If outputs are registered and defined in the scene then the compositor will start to send the RTP streams.

Outputs configuration

Register output

POST: /api/output/:output_id/register
type RequestBody = {
type: "rtp_stream" | "mp4"
... // output specific options

Register external destination that can be used as a compositor output. See outputs documentation to learn more.

Unregister output

POST /api/output/:output_id/unregister
type RequestBody = {
schedule_time_ms?: number;

Unregister a previously registered output with an id :output_id.

  • schedule_time_ms - Time in milliseconds when this request should be applied. Value 0 represents time of the start request.

Update output

POST: /api/output/:output_id/update
type RequestBody = {
video?: {
root: Component
audio?: {
inputs: AudioInput[];
schedule_time_ms?: number;

type AudioInput = {
input_id: InputId;
volume?: number;

Update scene definition and audio mixer configuration for output with ID :output_id. The output stream has to be registered first. See register output request.

  • video - Configuration for video output.
  • video.root - Root of a component tree/scene that should be rendered for the output. Learn more
  • audio - Configuration for audio output.
  • audio.inputs - Input streams that should be mixed together and their configuration.
  • audio.inputs[].input_id - Input ID.
  • audio.inputs[].volume - (default=1.0) Float in [0, 1] range representing volume.
  • schedule_time_ms - Time in milliseconds when this request should be applied. Value 0 represents time of the start request.

Request keyframe

POST: /api/output/:output_id/request_keyframe
type RequestBody = {}

Requests additional keyframe (I frame) on the video output.

Inputs configuration

Register input

POST: /api/input/:input_id/register
type RequestBody = {
type: "rtp_stream" | "mp4" | "decklink";
... // input specific options

Register external source that can be used as a compositor input. See inputs documentation to learn more.

Unregister input

POST: /api/input/:input_id/unregister
type RequestBody = {
schedule_time_ms?: number;

Unregister a previously registered input with an id :input_id.

  • schedule_time_ms - Time in milliseconds when this request should be applied. Value 0 represents time of the start request.

Renderers configuration

Register image

POST: /api/image/:image_id/register

Register an image asset. Request body is defined in the image docs.

Unregister image

POST: /api/image/:image_id/unregister
type RequestBody = {}

Unregister a previously registered image asset with an id :image_id.

Register shader

POST: /api/shader/:shader_id/register

Register a shader. Request body is defined in the shader docs.

Unregister shader

POST: /api/shader/:shader_id/unregister
type RequestBody = {}

Unregister a previously registered shader with an id :shader_id.

Register web renderer instance

POST: /api/web-renderer/:instance_id/register

Register a web renderer instance. Request body is defined in the web renderer docs.

Unregister web renderer instance

POST: /api/web-renderer/:instance_id/unregister
type RequestBody = {}

Unregister a previously registered web renderer instance with an id :instance_id.

Status endpoint

GET: /status
type Response = {
instance_id: string

Status/health check endpoint. Returns 200 OK.

  • instance_id - ID that can be provided using LIVE_COMPOSITOR_INSTANCE_ID environment variable. Defaults to random value in the format live_compositor_{RANDOM_VALUE}.

WebSocket endpoint


Establish WebSocket connection to listen for LiveCompositor events. List of supported events and their descriptions can be found here.